Architecture Photography

Types of Real Estate Photography You Need to Know About

Real estate photography is something that is steadily increasing in popularity; a lot of people have been taking part in it for the simplest reason that it is not only a good way of making more money but a great way of showing off your skills. However, there are also a lot of people who are hiring real estate photographers for the same job and that actually helps a lot considering how you can earn a good chunk in this case.

Taking pictures of real estate is always good as these pictures can be used in more than one way. For instance, you can opt for giving these photos to stock photo websites, you can list your property, and you can even show off your skill by taking these pictures; the better the pictures you take, the more attraction you will generate.

However, the one thing that most people do not know is about the types of real estate photography. Most of the time, people are under the impression that taking pictures of a specific property is the only way to go about but that is not the case at all, real estate photography extends beyond, and we are going to explore everything you need to know.

Types of Real Estate Photography 

Now that we are done explaining to you about real estate photography in general, the next thing that we want to shed light on is the types of real estate photography. Considering how important it has become over the past couple of years. We are going to explore these in detail, as well as explain how each of these works in the real world and how they are useful for not just photographers, but everyone else, as well, especially those who are in the real estate business.

1. Residential Real Estate Photography

Residential Photography

The first type of real estate photography that I am going to tell you about is residential real estate photography, which also happens to be the most common form that can be found almost everywhere you look. This photography manages to make up for more than half of all the images that are done in this category. 

For those wondering, most of the images taken will be shown on listings that are run by several companies or multiple listing services. Depending on the location of the searcher, these services could have hundreds of listings for sale at any time and the one thing that makes these listings stand out the most happens to be high quality photography.

Some photographers in residential real estate photography do prefer to use flash or video lights, a natural view in highlights, mid tones, as well as shadows is something that can easily be seen in this photography type.

The point here is that if you have been looking at some good ways to make money using photography and taking pictures of a home, this is a great way of achieving that.

2. Commercial Real Estate Photography

Commercial Photography

Although I do not have to explain this in detail commercial real estate photography is a lot more similar to residential real estate photography. However, the properties that are being sold or on lease are mainly for businesses. This could include office parks, strip malls, factories, individual stores, or any building that is built for the purpose of commercial activity. You can also see structures such as massive office spaces and skyscrapers as a whole.

With that said, as far as the photography principles are concerned, you are looking at more or less the same techniques here. You are going to be using similar bracketing techniques that would result in photos looking a lot more natural. The purpose here is to ensure that you are getting the dynamic range perfectly fine. The reason behind that is that buildings normally have a lot of areas that have a high level of light and then there are areas that are normally shrouded in shadows. So, getting things right is incredibly important for the best results.

3. Drone-Based Real Estate Photography

Drone Photography

Moving further, another thing that has become the next big thing n real estate photography is drone-based real estate photography. Now, it would be safe to say that compared to other real estate photography types, you are looking at something that is a bit more modern and in some cases, unconventional, but if you look at it, you are looking at some good shots.

Now, drones are generally expensive, and if you want to do some drone-based photography, you are going to look for a drone that has a good camera so you can get the experience you want. DJI does make some excellent drones equipped with high-quality cameras that are capable of taking stunning pictures as well as videos.

Enhancing Real Estate Visuals with Drones

Now, the thing with drone-based real estate photography and videography is that here you have to rely on not just the quality of the drone you are using but also your own skill of using the drone. Remember, the drone has to fly anywhere from 20 to 100 feet above the property and cover all the aspects of a property that would make it an instant hit. One more thing is that you can go ahead and pair the drone-based photography along with traditional photography for an added effect and great results overall.

4. Architectural Photography 

Architecture Photography

We are finally moving towards a photography type that is largely geared towards people who are always looking to take some pictures surrounding the design and the build of the structure rather than something else. If you are not in the mood to sell or lease the property, you can actually look into this photography.

But what exactly is architectural photography, to begin with? Well, for those wondering, this photography is mainly catering to professional photographers who are looking to get new clients or a builder who is looking to showcase how good they are. Of course, aside from showing these buildings in real life, a portfolio is also needed but a portfolio can only be created if you have access to good pictures and not pictures taken from the worst possible angles or in terrible lighting, for that matter.


In this photography style, the overall view of the property while retaining every single detail is one of the most important aspects, and without that, you might not be able to get the job done, to begin with. Therefore, any photographer who is taking care of architectural photography can easily get the job done but the point here is that the entirety of emphasis has to be on aspects such as the detail, view, dimensions, dynamic range, and all the highlights of a building that you are trying to show off.

While it might be difficult, the right photographer will know what needs to be done and how it should be done, to begin with.

5. Interior Real Estate Photography 

Interior Photography

Now, the last one here is my favorite, to be honest. It does share some similarities with interior real estate photography because just like that one, you are showing what has already been done to the place rather than what needs to be done. Interior designers are going to need good images to show off their work, especially when the space provided to them was very different from when they first got their hands on it. Before and after is something that always works in these cases.

Quality Imagery & Lighting in Photography

You will, of course, need images that have high dynamic range, and good lighting, too. Why? Well, if the lighting is bad, you might never really get the proper message across, and things can be tricky, to say the least. The point here is that if you have a place that needs to be photographed, you will need to picture every aspect of it for the results that you are trying to get. Otherwise, you are just going to get an average experience.

Another thing is that in interior real estate photography, there are chances that you are going to need to be sure that you are seeking permission from the owner of the property or the person who is managing that place. Especially if you have plans to redistribute the images once they are taken.

Tips for Making Money from Real Estate Photography 

Now that I have told you about different types of real estate photography, the next step for me would be to share some important tips that can help you get better at real estate photography and make money from it, as well. After all, being a real estate photographer is something that has become a norm for a lot of people, so it would be unwise if we are not paying attention to it.

  1. Having the Right Equipment: Now, I do understand that a lot of times, people do not pay attention to the equipment and are caught taking pictures using a point and shoot camera but that is not it. During my process of apartment hunting, I came across so many listings that looked like they were photographed using a camera from the 90s. You will need to invest in good equipment and that involves a good lens and a good camera so you can produce high quality images, and actually show what your skill can help you achieve. Similarly, a tripod is also something that you should use and if you are making videos of the place, a gimbal is a must.
  2. Don’t Ignore the Details: Since we are talking about real estate photography, the one thing that is going to be the same for all types is attention to detail. When you are taking care of such photography, you are less in the role of a professional photographer and you cannot just let go of it with ease. Every single detail matters, even if that means multiple photos of the same place from different angles or focal lengths. The point is that should not miss even the smallest corner because that detail might matter to the client.
  3. Go Over the Process: Another thing is that in order to make your experience as a real estate photographer fruitful, you will need to go over the process properly. Make sure there is ample natural light available, also make sure that the place you are photographing is clean and spotless, and that the area that you are capturing is covered to the last detail. Make sure that the lines are straight, and try to capture as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

In real estate photography or any other type of photography, HDR stands for high dynamic range and it is very important, to say the least. 

Considering how the purpose is to deliver pictures that are as clean as possible, the best ISO for real estate photography would always be the lowest you can get far better results.

Yes, having a higher dynamic range in your pictures is always important so you can get the results that you are actually looking to achieve. 


Real estate photography can be a scary and complicated concept for those who are relatively new. But the best thing is that if you are being serious about it and you want to learn more and more about it, then this photography is something that can not only be fun to learn but can also pave several career paths for you.

Of course, just like every other photography type, you will need to learn but once you are able to get things ready, you would not have any issues. 

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